Sunday, January 27, 2008

Poga Moonga Juice and Acid Reflux, Heartburn and IBS!

I personally have been suffering with acid reflux for years. I was always eating ant acids, like they were candy. I had to watch what I ate because I knew it would not be long after, that the good old acid reflux would be there. I hadn’t eaten any spicy food like chili because it was spicy and that aggravated it. I love pasta but the sauce didn’t love me, heartburn and acid reflux, on the way. Then there was any citrus fruit. I loved oranges but they would really aggravate my stomach. Then like most people I always had that morning coffee which aggravated it also. Then after some research I found out it’s all about the acid in your stomach and when sphincter allows the acid to back up into your esophagus this causes heart burn and when it happen frequently it causes acid reflux. So really acid reflux is just chronic heartburn.

So tired of eating ant acids all the time I looked for a natural remedy. I tried many different things but I didn’t have true success until I tried Poga Moonga Juice. After only 3 days no more heart burn, no more acid reflux, I was totally amazed. I can now eat pasta, oranges and even spicy food, like chili, not to mention the 2 cups of coffee I have every morning doesn’t bother my stomach any more. Then, in November of last year my parents, aunt and uncle came to visit m for my birthday. I live in south Florida and they live in New Jersey. They had never been to Florida before. Three week before they were suppose to arrive, my mom called me and told me my dad was having his pills sent to my house so he would have them for the 2 weeks they were here.

“No problem”, I said, I will be looking for them and let you know when they arrive. Finally, they were here and the following morning, we all sat down in the kitchen and had coffee and breakfast. Then my dad ask for his medication he had sent, he needed to take one, so I got it for him. I ask him what he was taking it for and he replied my stomach problems, you know acid reflux. He said that they seem to help sometimes and it cost about $6.00 a pill. After what Poga Moonga Juice did for my stomach, I convinced him to just try it. To his amazement, after only 2 days he didn’t need to take those pills and today, 2 months later, he still doesn’t need those pills.

He told me he has had orange juice and pasta for the first time in years, without suffering. But the most amazing results, I have seen was my aunt. The first morning were all sitting having coffee and all she had was water and dry toast. She said she couldn’t eat or drink a lot of things because she has IBS (irritable bowel syndrome). She had some kind of operation 4 years ago and ever since then she has been suffering with IBS. She said, it seemed every month her doctor would put her on a different drug but none of them were really helping. So, I figured, why not what does she have to loose. I convinced her to try Poga Moonga Juice too. Within 4 days, she was drinking coffee and eating regular meals. She didn’t know what to say, after suffering for so many years. And to this day she makes sure she gets her 2-ounce shot every morning.

I had read the research on Poga Moonga Juice and about how it was one of the best natural products available for any digestive problems. They said the combination of Aloe Vera and Moringa were an amazing combination for any stomach problems. But was even more amazing is that it also contained pomegranate juice. It is not just another exotic sugary, fruit drink but a true “whole food supplement”. We already know the amazing benefits of Aloe Vera. It provides 8 out of 13 recognized vitamins. It has 20 of the 22 amino acids our body needs. It has unbelievable antibiotic and immune building properties. But the most amazing ingredient are its phytochemicals. Phytochemicals are plant chemicals that have no nutritional value but contain protective and disease preventive properties. The phytochemicals in aloe are polysaccharides (a complex carbohydrate), enzymes (a protien that catalyzes chemical reactions), organic acids (an organic acidic compound) and various resins. These are the great aloe vera health properties that cannot be found in other plants.

Then, the pomegranate, which is a great source of antioxidants. The pomegranate has 3 times the antioxidants found in red wine. Antioxidants help thin your blood, prevent plaque build up in your arteries, which help in the prevention of heat attacks and strokes. But the Moringa, is the most amazing product on the planet. It is the only plant that contains the 8 “essential amino acids” your body needs but does not make. It has an abundance of vitamins, nutrients and minerals. It’s so amazing that it is given to pregnant women, new mothers and babies, in 3rd world countries to provide then with all the nourishment they need to be healthy. They also use it to detoxify their drinking and cooking water. WOW, just think how great of a body detoxifier it is. It is recorded in one of the first books of medicine, from India, as being used to treat over 300 ilnesses. And energy, you can’t find a better source of natural, sustained energy, no more energy drinks for me!

All I know, is that I have never seen anything help so many people and truly change their health and there won’t be one day, I won’t forget to get my 2 ounce shot. And the best part is it cost less then the energy drink I use to take everyday. Poga Moonga Juice, “it’s Just Your Health”

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