Over the last 10 years of the Internet growth arose a new business. It was a promise, which at first, sounded too good to be true. It was a promise for you to be your own boss and not have to deal with the old 9 to 5 grind, working for someone else. It was a promise, that for a very small investment and only10 hours of your time a week, you could become independent and financially secure. This was the birth of MLM (multi-level marketing) or network marketing. It has earned the well-known name it has today, as the “pyramid scheme”.
The logic behind it was very good but achieving their promises was only beneficial to the few, who luckily got in when it first started or already had network marketing experience. The whole ideas sounded great. They supply the product, the latest greatest product of course. They even supply you with a web site, to sell the product. All you have to do is advertise and your dreams of independence come true. It seemed they gave you every thing you need to become rich. They would hold meetings to help you learn how to advertise, which usually was money out of your pocket. But for some reason they never give you quite everything you need to know to succeed.
Why, because they have become, so-called Internet gurus. They want you to think you have everything necessary to succeed but they don’t want you to know everything they know because it would be too much competition. There would be to many Internet gurus and they wouldn’t be able to push their next big MLM scheme on you. They want to keep the hope of being financially independent dangling in front of your face, like a carrot dangling in front of a horse.
There are two problems with making money from MLM. First, if you’ve done any MLM before, and you probably have, their like lays potato chips, you just can’t do one, you have exhausted your warm market. Everyone you know, including your family now know that when they see you coming with a smile on your face to run the other way. They have all heard and maybe some have even tried your ”last” great opportunity. So the chances of any of them actually being interested or even listening are slim.
Second, 99% of the MLM’s you have tried are a product you don’t use or don’t have any personal experience with. It’s hard enough to sell and lets get this part right, this is a sales job, a product but if they don’t see the enthusiasm, the willingness to answer any questions they have, it’s like trying to sell snow to an Eskimo. I’m not saying you need to be an expert on the product you r selling but I’m sure Aunt Shirley, already has enough e-books on “How to build a list of 1,000,000 people in 14 days”.
Here are the 4 things you really need to be successful in an MLM. #1. Stop wasting your money trying to advertise to people online. If it were that easy, everyone would be doing it. Use all the “free” advertising available to you. Just type ”free advertising” in google search. Now, we have eliminated wasting your hard earned money to build your MLM. #2. Don’t join an MLM that you or anyone you know won’t really use or be interested in. Just think for a minute? Will everyone I know and tell about this truly be interested in the product? If not find one they will be. Get your warm market back because you can build an MLM much easier with your warm market than the old cold call. Because if everyone you know were exceed about what you have to offer, well that’s like having the best sales force on the planet.
Here an offline MLM can explode. #3. If it’s a great product, use it first, experience what it has to offer and know the product before you offer it to your warm market. Believe me once your excited; it’s much easier to get their interest. And #4. Don’t wait until the market is saturated. To have an effective online MLM you must get in before everyone else does. The sooner, the better. Every online MLM usually turns into hundreds of thousands of web sites. A portion can be yours just by being in before everyone else.
I have managed to create a very nice warm market for a new product. I just followed the 4 steps I outlined above. I love the product, everyone I know, loves the product and they are sharing it with people they know. Who needs the Internet? But if you’re interested in growing an Internet MLM, it’s important to get listed on the search engines for the product you are selling. This is the best way to get people to your web site. E-mail, pop-ups are old news. Just ask yourself these questions? Do you read emails from a list you have joined? Do you automatically block or close pop-ups? If some one were really interested in a product they would search for it, this is a prospect already sold.
Here’s your chance, to have the MLM you have always dreamed of. It’s a product everyone needs or is searching for. Ask yourself, what are the most important things in life to you? Most people would say your health and family. Well what if there was a product that could truly change your health and the health of the people you care about, do you think they would be interested? After I was amazed by the results of using this product and doing tons of research, all I did was share what I know and have experienced with people I care about.
Along with mine, each has there own story about what this product is doing for them. Now there exited and sharing it with people they care about. Do you think this is a great warm market that will explode, you better believe it. They don’t run now when they see me coming and they are the best salesmen anyone could have and they don’t even know it. And I’m not too shabby with the whole online thing either. Just search the product in google. You’ll find, on the first page, I have spots #3,4,5,7 and 9, for this product. Oh yeah, # 1 and 2 are the corporate web site. I have 5 out of 8 on the first page of google, not to shabby?
So here’s my offer to you, buy it, try it share it and grow an unbelievable warm market MLM and I will share what I have done to get all these spots on google so you can build a real MLM online for once in your life. Just go to http://pogamoongajuice.com and order a case and share it with people you care about. Then go to google and type ”Poga moonga” in the search bar and see the results. This company is brand new and the time is now to get in. Become a distributor, you won’t regret it.
Edward Burke

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